Sunday, March 29, 2009

I'm Halfway Around The World!

So, the past month has been a rough one, in that I'm newly single and unemployed. Like any man confronted with a personal crisis, my flight response kicked in. In this case, it was DCA-ORD-PDG. Yup, I have just arrived in Shanghai, where I am killing time in the aiport, waiting for my mother/traveling companion/benefactress to show up. She wears a lot of hats.

In order to preserve what is sure to be one of the coolest vacations of my life, I've dipped back into the world of blogging. I'm going to try to upload videos and pictures to this blog, and will certainly catalog my experiences here. In addition, my first, abortive attempt at blogging is preserved in the archives. It's hard to kill your children, even the smelly, ugly ones.

So, I'm drinking a 20 oz Carlsberg draft in the "Aviation Lounge," I've got a dope mini pocket video recorder and three hours to kill. Once I switch to whiskey the footage is going to get interesting.

In the interim, I'll crank out some advice on slicing through US and Chinese travel document agencies, murky waters that I've navigated under extreme duress.

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