Monday, March 30, 2009

The Shanghai Museum

Here I am, with our great guide Kenny, outside the Shanghai Museum. When the shot gets run in National Geographic, be sure EM Kirsh gets photo credit.

This is a massive bronze "food vessel" from the 6th-4th Century, BC.

Some bronze bells.

These guys are about 3' tall, multi-colored and fierce. I call them Bebop and Rocksteady, but the mueseum calls them "tomb guards" from the Tang, in the 9th century AD.

Chinese pottery varies substantially by period. Color. Thickness. Quality. Design. They were different kilns for different empereors and dynasty, with secret locations and techniques. These are some of my favorites, scattered across centuries.

We also checked out the paintings, which were beautiful. Those roosters should be in my room. If anyone has any strings to pull, let me know.

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