Thursday, December 21, 2006

File Under Assbaggery and Lousy Sushi

So, I went to this Capitol File/Office of Champagne party at Gazuza last night. I sipped on free champagne, snacked on free sushi and sniped at the DC glitterati as they wandered onto the glass-walled "porch" overlooking Connecticut Ave. There were a few he's-too-old-to-be-with-her couples, a sprinkling of Madisons and the odd, well-coiffed gay. This little slice of the D.C. socialite universe struck me as sad and a little weird. People in D.C. are just too awkward and frumpy to be celebrated in the pages of a magazine like Capitol File.

Yes, I'm sure the constant editorial challenge is invigorating.

Hors Breakdown
Plate 1: Salmon Nigiri / Eel Nigiri. The salmon was fine, not buttery, delicious or creamy, but did taste fresh and crisp. The eel, well, eel is pretty much eel, as far as I can tell. The rice was too dense and pasty, and there was far too much of it.
Plate 2: Passed Crab Cakes. This was undone by the massive slab of carb. The dollop of fresh crab had sesame seeds and thin threads of something --cucumber, perhaps -- and a little heat. Unfortunately, it was served on a greasy, bloated blini that completely overwhelmed the crab.
Plate 3: Strawberry Roll. I didn't eat these. They looked clean and well-rolled, just a few grains of rice and a few slivers of strawberry, bound by seaweed. I had a dinner reservation and they didn't seem worth my time.

Rating 1.5/5 Delicate Double-Cheek Air Kisses

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