Sunday, December 17, 2006

Post-Party Depression

We knocked down three domestic light kegs and six mid-grade handles on Saturday night. After a 3:45 AM keg stand, I finally kicked everyone out. He made it to 36. I'm 27 and I live in a frat house. It was a wild party.

Highlights: The growing popularity of the fresh-squeezed orange crush, the abundance of shocking christmas sweaters, a beautiful night courtesy of global warming, the appearance of my mother with keg cup, a hilarious crew of indian dudes, our neighbors rescuing the party with a replacement receiver, someone bringing me a decent bottle of wine, the absence of wall gouging and floor scraping and a general sense of accomplishment.

Lowlights: Someone pegging the amp at max and melting it, me not getting laid, the cops coming and us moving the keg inside around 3 AM, turning our downstairs kitchen into the Everglades.

The not-getting-laid part is the real bitch. I cleaned my room and everything. Eff.

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