Monday, December 18, 2006

My Cube's Wood Chips Smell Like Urine Today

I work for a small, software-driven business consulting firm. It's a technology start-up as much as anything else, just a few white 40-somethings with post-grad degrees telling a bunch of white BAs and BSs what to do.

Yes, I work in a cube, stare at a screen all day and have to handle the entire gamut of client requests -- "What's my username? Why does it say 'page not found'? Can you make it divide by zero / count to infinity / submit my expenses for me / make rezzies for a lunchtime rub-and-tug? But I was told it would do all those things! Waaah! Waaah!"

I also get to do real business analysis and help implement the business process changes we recommend. I think I've also learned enough buzz words to dazzle those who haven't yet seen the wizard behind the business consulting curtain.

It's difficult to shake that hampster-on-a-wheel feeling at times. What the hell am I doing with myself? What is a background in economic/strategic intelligence collection and business process analysis gonna do for me? Who the fuck is gonna hire me to build Vizio flowcharts for spooks?

Riddle me that.

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