Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Back in the District!

We're back in DC. After landing at National (I'll never call it Reagan) around 10, we cruised back to Ellen and Tony's, drank a bottle or two of wine 'til Dad turned in just after midnight. Then, Liz, Ellen and I headed to Bar Pilar for a nightcap.

Ellen doesn't think she's been to a bar past 1 AM since she was in her 20s. Liz and I were happy to set that clock back to zero days. Jet lag can be awesome.

We've got a lot of stuff written and a lot of photos to upload, but internet access problems and our surprisingly filled days on Hainan Island have prevented us from blogging. Now that we're back home, we hope to post about the end of the trip over the next three or four days.

Here is a taste of what's to come:

Here's me making pimping look easy in the Kashgar bazaar, Ellen about to take down a delicous kabab and the extraordinary natural beauty of Guilin's limestone mountains.

Here are the two of us after a hike to the "moon tower', one of the what-the-hell-is-that shots taken at Sanya's overwhelming agricultural market, and the remains of our second-to-last, locals-took-us-out, pick-'em-out-the-tank meal in Sanya.

Details, photos and fun to come soon!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I draw the line at neon fish.