Friday, April 17, 2009

The Dragon Temple

Main gate, incense burning, pagoda, even though we don't know enough to appreciate the subtle differences between temples, the reverence of the worshippers, the beauty of the architecture and the gravitas of the place made it feel like a worthwhile trip.

The temple complex was large and functioning both as a Buddhist temple and, of course, a tourist site/shopping experience.

We were lucky to visit when the peonies were in bloom, which only happens for a few weeks in April. They looked lovely and smelled great. Ellen was ecstatic.

The compound itself housed many buildings. Many of them were devoted to the life work of a famous monk who traveled from his home in Xi'an to India and back. Upon his return he devoted his life to translating many sacred Buddhist texts into Chinese. Because these relics, and all Buddha statues, are considered sacred, Mr. Yue asked us not to take pictures. He also prayed at every shrine!

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