Sunday, April 12, 2009

Creeping Back into the First World

Sorry to have dropped off the face of the earth... our brief stay in Xi'an was action-packed, and internet access in Urumqi and Kashgar (even the airports!) was very spotty.

We're on the 14th day of our trip, leaving Urumqi for Guilin, where we're taking a boat down the Li River.

We have wonderful pictures, stories and even some video from the Great Wall and our last days in Beijing, the Terra Cotta warriors and Xi'an and our otherworldy time in Kashgar, and we'll post them as we're able.

Here's a shot of each to whet your appetite.

This is Ellen sunning herself on the Great Wall, right before we raced up a section of stairs, some of the thousands of infantry and cavalry in the first room of the Terra Cotta Warrior museum, and a please-believe-me very typical street shot from Kashgar.

We're having a blast.

Alex & Ellen

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