Friday, April 03, 2009

Lunch in Suzhou

After the water village, we drove to Suzhou proper, to check out a silk factory and see the famous Master of Nets garden. First, we had lunch.

A wonderful, sour seafood soup. It was heavy with ginger and the broth was rich.

Simple sautéed shrimp in a light garlic sauce. We dumped black vinegar on them, which livened them up considerably.

Stirfried cabbage and pork belly. My pork intake has been somewhat limited this trip, so this made me really happy.

Mushrooms in a thick brown sauce. Meh.

Eggplant in a thick dark sauce, similar to hoisin.

Watermelon, or some sort of fruit, is served after nearly every meal.

Our driver, Mr. Lee, loves eating, drinking and smoking cigarettes. Cool dude.

More translation humor.

1 comment:

JudyM said...

OK, so how does this Chinese food compare (seasonings, ingredients) to the Chinese food you can buy here in the U.S.A.? Is it very different? Are the range of ingredients that are available different?

Inquiring minds want to know!