Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ellen's Hotel Horrors

In Shanghai, at the beginning of our trip, we needed to use some pharmaceuticals to get ourselves on the right time schedule. A 12-hour time difference is difficult to overcome.
So, as it turns out, was our hotel in Kashgar. Ellen reports...
Alex was way better about the Kashgar hotel than I could possibly be. The guidebook said it was the best place in town, which turned out not to be true. It is very important to check the web when visiting 3rd world places, to see if anything newer or better has become available, as guidebooks are rapidly out of date in China. Anyway, the hotel was a total disgusting pit in my view.
The bed was as hard as the floor, the bathroom was truly unimaginable, and I spent two days there without ever taking off my socks. I washed and dried various body parts standing in the bathroom with the hairdryer on high for heat. Do not go to the Qhini Bagh Hotel, it can be avoided by going to the newer place now. Above are some shots of the room, but I am not sure they fully convey the level of mold growing on every line of grout in the bathroom or the filthiness of the rug.

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