Monday, April 13, 2009

Great Wallpocalypse

For some reason, I thought going to the Great Wall of China wouldn’t be that cool, that it’d just be another medieval fortification, a big, tourist-ridden piece of brick, something to stare at briefly before shrugging and moving on.

I was wrong. We took a ton of pictures, because it was so cool that we couldn’t stop. They pretty much tell the story.

There was a little market set up to hawk snacks and trinkets

We bought our tickets and gave them to the old man smoking a massive pipe.

We took some pictures on the way up of the Great Wall, ourselves, and the slide we were gonna take down.

At one point, we decided to race up some stairs. Just another moment when those around us figured out we were nuts.

A collection of shots from the time we spent walking along the top of the wall.

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