Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Children Of Kashgar

The children of Kashgar seem curious, beautiful and happy. Most of them loved having their photo taken. 

Pogs was the hot game in the street. Kids were playing it everywhere we went. Slap bracelets and garbage pail kids must have been last year. 

The good spirits of these boys were infectious. 

We came across this girl sitting on a step in the Old City. Her mother couldnt' have been far off, but we didn't see her.  

We stumbled into the beginning of a wedding party in the old city. The kids wore celebratory red outfits and were milling around the street, waiting for the party to begin. 

I can never resist playing a little footie with the kids. Sadly, knocking the ball around in Kashgar didn't quite prepare me for the rec league game I played the day after we got back. We lost 7-0. 

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